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(Item no.: 723)
€ 19,95
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Newly re-issued on DVD this is the uncut hardcore version of the Bruce La Bruce film Skin Flick which was realised theatrically to incredible controversy.Premiered in 2000, many viewers were disturbed by its violent and sexual content, and many critics within the gay community criticized it for perpetuating negative stereotypes about homosexuals, as well as glorifying violence.As is typical of films directed by LaBruce, a strong theme in the film is sado-masochism. One infamous scene involves a character cumming over a copy of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Another scene, in which a gang of skin heads break into the apartment of an interracial couple and rape and torture them, caused walk-outs at film festivals.The film was produced and shot in the U.S., England and Germany. Bruce La Bruce interviewed about his work says: Generally in my movies I like to include something to offend everyone. I`m often surprised that there is an audience for my work at all. The art world often ignores me because they think I`m too pornographic, while the porn world resents me for being too arty or intellectual and interfering with their precious, pornographically pure product. I`m an interloper, a common adventuress. Starring with: Jens Hammer, Ralf Steel, Tim Vinzent, Steve Masters, Eden Miller, Tom International, Niki Richardson DVD Running time 100 minutes


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€ 19,95
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